baby sleeping after bris

Baruch Haba! Blessed Is He Who Enters!

If you're reading this, you probably just had a little boy of your own (or have one on the way). Mazel tov on your little miracle! You have a ton of big decisions to make – one of those being whether you're going to have a Bris (Brit Milah), and who will be the Mohel for your baby. If you decide to have a Bris, you'll need to schedule a Mohel or Mohelet (female).

What is a Bris?

Dr. Leonard with baby after a brisBrit Milah means "covenant of circumcision." In brief, a Bris (or Brit Milah) is a Jewish ceremonial circumcision that is held at the home, a synagogue or another place of celebration. We celebrate thousands of years of Jewish heritage during this special ceremony. A Bris is the beginning of your son's life in Judaism as a descendant of Abraham.

Making big decisions, such as this one, can be a challenge. I'm here to support you and your family and offer as much advice as you need, as well as to guide you through your ceremony. It's extremely important to find someone with whom you will feel comfortable during this special moment in your family's life.

What is a Mohel/Mohelet?

It is the father's obligation to fulfill the circumcision commandment for his son. Since not every father is skilled in performing a Bris, a tradition evolved to assign someone else to perform this Mitzvah in the father's place. A Mohel or Mohelet (female) performs the Bris as an agent of your baby's father.

Traditionally, a Bris is performed by men; however, there is no prohibition against women assuming this Mitzvah. In fact, the Torah mentions two people performing a Brit Milah: Abraham, who circumcised Isaac, and Moses' wife, Tzipporah, who circumcised her own son.

Today, more and more women are performing this Mitzvah, in the tradition of Tzipporah. I am pleased to be able to carry on this tradition.

Did you just have a baby girl? Click here to find out about having a Baby Naming.